Rushen Primary School

Learning and Growing

Hi everyone

There will be another live Facebook session for primary school learners this Thursday, 25th March, so please join in! As before, it will cover several animal themed topics, but have plenty of general interest too.

The time will be different this week - 11:00am - because the topic is "Penguin Power" and I'd like to be in the enclosure at feeding time, to make sure the penguins are showing off their swimming skills (Penguins like their food on time!)




I hope you can join me on Thursday. Thank you so much for all of your support for last week's "Let's Monkey Around" session; I really appreciate it!

Liz Brunswick

Education Manager

Curraghs Wildlife Park

Hi everyone

So, if you enjoyed the live Facebook video “Mad About Meerkats” from the meerkat enclosure during the last lockdown, you might be interested in another one – this time (fingers crossed) from the squirrel monkey house – “Let’s Monkey Around”. It will start at 1:30pm this Thursday, 18th March and will last roughly 20 minutes.

Here are the accompanying activity sheets (also downloadable from our website: which should keep the children occupied after watching!




Working with animals can pose challenges, so I have everything crossed that all will be well with the squirrel monkeys so that I can enter their house and get up close with my camera. If the sun shines too brightly they might not even venture indoors, but I’m going to go for it, and hope for the best.

Best wishes, stay safe

Liz Brunswick

Education Manager

Curraghs Wildlife Park

A Message from Liz Brunswick re live FB video for children:

Tomorrow (Thursday 21st) at 1:30 I’m going to be doing a live Facebook video from the meerkat enclosure, aimed at primary aged children, and broadly covering a range of topics (animals and us; animal classification; habitats and adaptation; food chains). You can catch it later if you miss the time slot.

I have attached two accompanying activity sheets for KS1 and KS2 (they’re also available on our website) which children can do either at home after watching the video, if they wish:













Call of the Wild Issue11.pdf


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